
The Strategic Guide to Budgeting for IT Support in Your Business

Written by Reed Wilson | September 14, 2023 8:53:00 PM Z

Explore strategic budgeting for IT support to optimize costs, boost productivity, and drive growth in your business. A must-read for savvy leaders!

Have you ever started a jigsaw puzzle, hundreds (thousands for the puzzle vets out there), and questioned where to begin? That can be what it feels like when figuring out how to budget for IT support.

You're not alone in this journey. Most businesses wrestle with these decisions every day.

In this guide, we'll help color the path forward - demystifying costs, exploring models of support best suited for your goals, highlighting strategies to streamline processes and increase productivity; all while considering the impact of staff training on your overall IT budget.

Let’s get started!

The Importance of an IT Budget for SMBs

As a business owner, allocating resources for technology spending can be an intimidating challenge. 

The goal isn't just to allocate an IT budget, but to do so strategically - in ways that bring value and drive growth for your company. But how can we achieve this?


The Role of IT in Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

When considering how much money should be set aside for information technology support, these key factor comes into play: ensuring business continuity and reducing disaster recovery. It's like having a lifeboat on a ship; you hope never to use it, but when disaster strikes – whether it’s due to natural calamities or cyber-attacks – it becomes invaluable.

Your business continuity plan, which includes comprehensive data backup systems and failsafe measures against downtime, relies heavily on reliable IT infrastructure. That makes robust tech support not just important but vital.


Decoding the Average Cost of IT Support for SMBs

Funding quality tech help doesn’t have to break the bank. On average, small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) spend about 7% of their revenue on all things related to information technology — including securing top-notch support services.

This percentage may vary based upon several factors such as industry type or size of operations among others; This percentage is meant to provide insight into what other companies invest towards maintaining smooth sailing digital operations.


Key Takeaway:

Setting up a smart IT budget isn't just about shelling out cash; it's all about investing in growth and value. Having solid tech help is key, serving as your company's safety net for smooth operations and recovery from mishaps. Small to medium businesses usually dedicate ~7% of their earnings on IT - this includes high-quality support services. But remember, there isn't a one-size-fits-all strategy here.



Choosing the Right Support Model for Your Business

No single approach is suitable for all IT support requirements; therefore, it's essential to select an option that meets your company's objectives and aspirations. It is critical to pick an approach that coordinates with your business's objectives and ambitions. This requires understanding different billing models and how they can best serve your needs.


Understanding Different Billing Models

In the world of IT support, four common billing models dominate: Flat Fee/All You Can Eat, Monitoring Only, Blocks of Time, and Pay as You Go. Each has its benefits and considerations, which we'll explore below.

The Flat Fee/All You Can Eat model offers unlimited access to services for a set monthly fee. This is the model we recommend for most folks, but that doesn't mean it's the best choice for everyone.  Depending on the provider, there may be additional fees for things like large projects and after-hour support.

Monitoring Only schemes give businesses peace of mind by keeping tabs on their systems 24/7 but don't include actual problem resolution—that will cost extra. Ideal if you want constant vigilance without breaking the bank but be prepared for unexpected expenses when things go wrong.

Blocks of Time is the model you want if you want to take on some responsibility for support but would like to have your IT company on retainer to help get you out of a jam.  Most IT companies will sell you a block of hours to be used in a certain period (like 10 hours a month).  In return for you committing to a certain number of hours, the solution provider may offer a reduced hourly rate.   

Pay as You Go is the model you want if you want to take full responsibility.  But beware of this model – very few (good) solution providers have a room of help desk engineers just waiting on the phone to ring.

While this model may seem cheaper upfront, typically you're only going to call when you are in a real jam (like a failed hard drive with no backup or ransomware), so be prepared for a rather large bill.  You should always ask for an estimate before work begins and ask the company to get approval before going over the initial estimate.  

Pay as You Go models also typically mean slower service. Good IT companies have service level agreements (SLAs) defining how quickly they will start working on your issue for their customers on higher-level plans. These don't always apply to Pay as You Go customers, though. If you call in with an issue, you may be in the queue behind several other customers, which could be difficult if it's an urgent issue.


Aligning Your Support Model with Business Needs

Now that you're familiar with the billing models, it's time to align your chosen model with your business needs. Finding a precise match isn't the goal; it's about discovering a balance between what support is necessary and how much money you're prepared to pay.

If keeping your business spending steady is a big deal for you, then flat fee plans might be just the ticket. Knowing precisely what's leaving your account each month can really help.


Key Takeaway: 

Choosing the right IT support model is crucial to align with your business goals. Understanding different billing models like Flat Fee, Monitoring Only, Blocks of Time, and Pay as You Go helps make an informed decision. Remember, it's about balancing the support you need with what you're willing to spend.


Streamlining IT Processes to Reduce Costs and Increase Productivity

In the current corporate environment, it is essential to find methods of streamlining processes, minimizing expenses and maximizing productivity. Let's explore how focusing on IT can help achieve these objectives.


The Role of Automation in Cost Reduction

Automation plays a pivotal role in reducing IT-related expenses. It allows repetitive tasks to be executed with precision while freeing up your team for more complex duties. But it's not just about saving time; automation helps you save money too.

IBM Cloud Automation, for instance, enables businesses to automate their workflows seamlessly, thereby significantly reducing operational costs over time. The idea is simple: if you can let machines handle routine tasks efficiently, you have more time to focus on complex problems.

Besides cutting down manpower hours spent on manual operations - thus lowering labor cost - automated systems are less prone to errors compared with human operators. This results in fewer costly mistakes that need fixing or even avoiding potential financial losses due to data breaches resulting from such errors.


Boosting Productivity with Efficient IT Systems

A well-optimized IT system isn't just good at keeping things running smoothly—it also paves the way for increased productivity across all departments of your organization.

An efficiently managed Microsoft 365 setup, for example, provides users access anywhere anytime, allowing them flexibility when they work, which ultimately leads towards improved efficiency levels throughout the company as employees aren’t restricted by physical location or traditional office hours anymore.

  • If a process takes five steps, but you can find a way to achieve the same result in three - do it. The fewer steps involved, the less time and resources are wasted.

  • Automated software updates not only keep your systems secure but also ensure they're running at their most efficient. Remember, outdated technology isn't just making your business prone to cyber attacks; it's slowing your employees down, too.


Key Takeaway: 

Embrace IT automation to cut costs and boost productivity. Let machines handle routine tasks, reduce errors, and free up your team for complex work. Streamline processes by eliminating unnecessary steps, keep tech updated for efficiency and security, and consider the flexibility of cloud solutions.



The Impact of Training on IT Budgeting

When considering the IT budget of your organization, training may not be the initial thought. But in reality, investing in staff training can have a significant impact on your overall technology spending.


The Cost of Human Error in IT

No matter how advanced or expensive your hardware and software might be, they're still operated by humans - and humans make mistakes. The cost associated with human error within the realm of information technology can quickly escalate if not properly addressed.

According to Statista, downtime caused by human errors can cost companies up to $300K per hour. Now imagine this: what if proper staff training could reduce these costly errors?

By providing targeted IT training for employees, we don't just increase their proficiency but also help them understand potential pitfalls better. This understanding reduces support staff's likelihood of making mistakes which leads to costly system failures or data breaches. Thus indirectly contributing towards reducing costs incurred due to such mishaps.

Besides preventing potentially disastrous errors, well-trained personnel are generally more efficient at troubleshooting minor issues themselves without requiring outside assistance (and thus saving even more money).


Benefits Beyond Saving Money

Surely reducing financial loss is crucial; however, there’s much more value added when it comes down to proper employee education concerning tech tools used daily at work.

  • Employees feel valued: When an organization invests time and resources into its workforce development efforts through things like professional development opportunities and skill enhancement courses – it shows workers that management cares about their growth.
  • Improved productivity: The more comfortable employees are with the tools they use every day, the more efficiently they can complete their tasks. This increased efficiency translates into higher overall productivity for your company.


Making IT Training a Priority

In this fast-paced tech world, keeping your team up to date on new systems and software is essential for business continuity. By investing in regular training sessions or workshops, you not only help maintain business continuity but also ensure staff stay engaged and feel competent in managing new tech tools.


Key Takeaway: 

Training is a secret weapon in IT budgeting. By investing in employee training, you not only reduce the costly impact of human errors but also boost efficiency and productivity. Moreover, it shows employees that their growth matters to you, increasing engagement and morale. Remember - knowledge isn't just power; it's cost-saving too.



Questions to Ask Your Provider

These are the most common types of support agreements we see today. There will, of course, be small nuances between how each company packages its services. As you're working through the model that best suits your business, here are a few questions you should consider asking your solution provider:

What are your service level agreements? This is the amount of time it will take them to address your issue.  An SLA of 4 hours or less for critical issues is most common.

What happens if you don’t meet your SLA? Most good IT companies will offer some sort of financial concession if they miss their SLA.

Do you have a less expensive option if I am willing to take a lower SLA? Some companies will offer a discount on their service if you are willing to extend their SLA. 

If I cancel my agreement early, what are my penalties? Many companies require a 12-36 month contract and if you terminate early you will have to pay an early termination fee. At PTG, we're not big believers in this. We don't ask you to sign a long-term contract and you can fire us at any time. Unfortunately, that isn't the norm in the IT industry. 

How do you determine priority for customer issues? Most IT companies prioritize customers based on their agreement type.  For example, a customer with an All You Can Eat agreement is going to be serviced ahead of a customer who is paying for a block of time.  It’s important for you to understand that prior to choosing a particular type of agreement.

Can I change agreement types?  Often, we will see a customer choose the wrong model.  You should have the option to move up or down the agreement stack based on your needs. This includes changing the number of hours in your block or time agreement. 

If you aren’t sure where to start – here is what we tell most new customers.  A well-managed IT environment typically takes between .5 and 1.5 hours per user to manage and maintain. 

Using that as a rule of thumb, you can come to a pretty quick conclusion on which model makes the most financial sense.  A 40-person firm that relies heavily on IT will generally come out ahead in an All You Can Eat model.  A 5-person start-up, however, would generally be best served with a block of time.

Bottom line – there is no perfect science, but by asking the right questions and assessing your needs, you should be able to land on a model that works for you and your team.  Of course, we are here to help if you would like a second opinion!