What Will Windows 7 End of Life Mean for Businesses?


Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008r2 are coming to an end on January 14th, 2020.

This is concerning because nearly 70% of organizations are still using these soon to be unsupported products.

What Does End of Life Really Mean?

It means that security and feature updates will no longer be available for laptops and desktops running Windows 7. More importantly, it means PC's running Windows 7 will no longer be protected against security attacks.

Patches for flaws and bug fixes will also no longer be available.

Has Anything Similar Ever Happened Before?

Yes! When Microsoft ended support of Windows XP a few years back users who didn't upgrade were left unprotected.

It didn't take hackers long to exploit a vulnerability in XP and release the WannaCry virus -- the largest computer virus infection in the history of mankind (It infected over 300,000 computers in over 150 countries).

What Should Windows 7 Users Do Now?




Windows 7 is more than 10 years old. The time has come for businesses to upgrade to Windows 10, and to adopt a technology strategy that will serve their organization's growth in the coming years.

Hundreds of millions of Windows users are going to affected by this change, so the time to update is now, before panic sets in. Hackers are eagerly awaiting the date when support stops and they can launch their costly attacks.

While software upgrades can cause momentary interruptions, upgrading to Windows 10 actually creates several advantages for businesses.

  1. Windows 10 is user friendly and includes the popular Start button.
  2. The Windows 10 user experience has been improved for enhanced productivity.
  3. Windows 10 offers advanced security and data management.
  4. Better device management and mobile compatibility have been added.

What's the easiest way for entire organizations to upgrade to Windows 10?

Be proactive and take advantage of the opportunity provided by Windows 7 end of life to make the move to Windows 10 today! 

If you're interested in exploring best options for upgrading existing devices, buying new supported devices, or just need to ensure a quick and smooth deployment, PTG can help.

Contact your IT Support professionals and move to Windows 10 successfully now, before it becomes a time and security risk.


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