What to Know About Office 365 Before You Buy It


microsoft-office-365-icon-3.pngAs a Microsoft Partner specializing in helping companies get to the Cloud, we spend a lot of time working with Office 365. If you’ve spent any time reading our blog, it won’t come as any surprise that we also spend a lot of time writing about it – and some of our top blog posts answer some of the most common questions people have about Office 365 before investing in it for their business.

Here’s a quick list of some of our most popular posts:

Office 2016 vs Office 365: What’s the difference?

Microsoft is notorious for using the name, or very similar names, for different products. One of the worst offenders of this is the Office Suite. This post explains the differences between Office 2016 and Office 365. Spoiler alert: Office 365 is the product and Office 2016 is the version.


Office 365 Home vs. Business

Here’s another example of where very similar names can make it hard to understand the differences in two Microsoft products. While Office 365 and the various Office 365 Business plans are in the same product family, they do have some major differences. This post breaks down the differences and shows you why using Office 365 Home won’t work for your business.


The Pros and Cons of Office 365 for Business

While we’re big advocates of Office 365 (and use it in our own business), it isn’t right for everyone. This blog post covers the top pros and cons of Office 365 for business so you can figure out if it’s the tool for you before investing time and money into switching to a new system.


Top 5 Mistakes Companies Make with Office 365

Office 365 can improve your productivity and security--the keyword here is "can." Many companies who move to Office 365 don't find success with it because they make one or more of these key mistakes. This blog post breaks down the biggest mistakes we see companies make that lead to frustration and unhappiness with Office 365.


7 Things to Try in Your Office 365 Trial

Trying a product before you buy is the one of the best ways to figure out if it’s actually what you need and Office 365 is no exception. But Office 365 has so many programs and features, that it’s hard to know where to start (and it would be almost impossible to get through everything!). This post looks at the key products and features you should test during your Office 365 trial.


The most notable information not covered in our blog posts is Office 365 pricing and plan comparisons. That can be found here, along with more frequently asked questions.



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