Microsoft & Office 365 Updates (November 2016)


microsoft-office-365-icon-3.pngNovember was all about making communication and collaboration easier with the announcement of a few new features and enhancement for already existing features:

Announcing Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a chat based workspace, which brings people together, conversations focused, content that is needed all in one place.  Microsoft Teams is available for preview in 181 countries and in 18 languages.  Microsoft Teams is built from the ground up on the Office 365 cloud.  The aspiration is to create a more open, digital environment that makes work visible, integrated and accessible for the entire team. You can read more about it on our blog

Enhanced collaboration and Co-Authoring

PowerPoint on Windows desktops now offers real-time co-authoring!  See what your teammate across the country thinks as they think it, you can see what they are typing as it happens on a given slide.  Enhanced collaboration with features like; mobile notifications to shared documents, Shared with Me tab (available in Word, Excel and PowerPoint) and cloud attachments through Outlook. Learn more here

Skype for Business

Skype for Business Mac Client is now available and the mobile apps now support content sharing.  The Mac Client offers edge-to-edge video and full immersive content sharing.  The Video-based Screen Sharing for mobile devices (VbSS) is available for iOS and Android apps, and provides a seamless viewing experience. Learn more here

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