Microsoft & Office 365 Updates (August 2016)

Windows 10 Anniversary Update 

msft_aug_stickies.pngThe Windows 10 Anniversary Update was released on August 2. Besides the normal security and vulnerability updates, Microsoft included a couple handy features I really enjoy like Sticky Notes (now integrated with Cortana), lock screen controls, and a new emoji keyboard. 

Anyone that has ever been to my office can tell you that I have sticky notes everywhere - or I used to. Although previous versions of Windows came with a sticky notes function – they didn’t have Cortana. Cortana, Window’s built in assistant, makes your notes smarter. I haven’t discovered everything it can do yet, but a few of the things I absolutely love are the ability to set reminders on a note and the inline information it provides (like status updates if you write down your flight number).  

Some other features I enjoy are the ability to sketch on the screen or a blank canvas, you can control your music even if the screen is off (this happens all the time to me!), and the updates to the tablet mode make it more user friendly. 

You can find more information about new features here 

Access Office Quicker 

Like the Edge browser? The new ‘Office’ add in makes it even better. This pops out after your click on the three dots in the top right hand corner of your browser. It quickly gives you the ability to open your recent documents, create new documents, and take you directly to your OneDrive (business or personal).  

Get more information here

Publish to 

The ability to publish content to the “Office Presentation Service” in PowerPoint has been present for quite a while. That service is now available to all of the Office applications in the form of  

From any office application, you can publish your content to and then send the URL to anyone in the world. Viewers aren’t required to sign in or download any special view lets or apps. It works on mobile, too. 

Learn more, including how to upload files, here

Facebook uses SharePoint/Office 365 

Ok, you got me. This isn't really news. But we love seeing cases where SharePoint and Office 365 is working for companies and this is a pretty cool one - Facebook. 

Yeah – it’s true. Facebook employs a workforce that is distributed around the world. They use Office 365 to allow employees to access their email and SharePoint content from whatever devices they desire.  

You can read more about how they use it here 

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