5 Effective Microsoft 365 Security Features You Aren't Using but Absolutely Should Be



Ever had that sinking feeling when you can't find your phone? Your heart races, right? You're not worried about the device. It's all about what's inside - photos, contacts...private stuff.

Now, think bigger. Picture an entire company's worth of private data out there in the digital world.

Businesses trust Microsoft 365 with their sensitive information because they know how seriously Microsoft takes security. But do we really understand what goes on behind those virtual walls to keep our data safe?

We have some surprising facts to share that will ensure you never look at cloud security the same way again! From multi-factor authentication and mobile device management to advanced threat protection – prepare for a deep dive into five features that turn Microsoft 365 into Fort Knox for your business!

Understanding the Importance oMicrosoft 365 Security Features

In our digital world, security risks abound - Microsoft 365 has your back with its strong security features to guard against cyber threats.

One common misconception is that data stored in the cloud isn't safe. But let me tell you something: That's as far off base as thinking chocolate milk comes from brown cows. In reality, Microsoft has invested heavily into ensuring their cloud storage solutions are among the most secure.


The Mighty Shield: Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

In today's age, where passwords get cracked faster than eggs for breakfast, MFA acts like an extra shield protecting your castle - or your business. Imagine this scenario: You've got a lock on your front door (your password), but what if someone copies your key? Wouldn't an alarm system be nice?

MFA provides just that; it asks for more evidence to prove who you say you are when logging in. And while it does add an additional step to logins, MFA prevents upwards of 99% of attacks on your accounts.


Data Access Control Through Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Microsoft Intune

If we were living in medieval times, controlling access would mean posting guards around our castles day and night. Thanks to MDM, though, we can save on the expense of hiring additional security guards.

MDM is like your personal gatekeeper, controlling who can see what on mobile devices. Want more control? Add in Microsoft Intune, and it's as if you've got a top-notch security guard team working 24/7.


Advanced Threat Protection (ATP): Your Personal Cybersecurity Bodyguard

Think of ATP as your personal cyber bodyguard, scanning the crowd for potential threats before they can even reach you. It's especially effective against ransomware and other malicious links or attachments - no sneaky attacks are getting past this bouncer.

ATP lessens the threat from cyber cyber attacks by securing Outlook and Microsoft Teams with native email security, phishing protection, and advanced cyberattack detection and response. It also provides features such as safe attachments, safe links, threat trackers, and attack simulation training. 

Key Takeaway:

Embrace the digital world without fear because Microsoft 365 has your back with its robust security features. With Multi-Factor Authentication acting as an extra shield, Mobile Device Management controlling access, and Advanced Threat Protection scanning for threats - you're set to ward off any cyber threats.



Multifactor Authentication (MFA) in Microsoft 365

MFA is about verifying that it's you trying to log in to your account. It's like having a doorman verify not just one but multiple credentials before allowing anyone entry. 

The Basic Built-in MFA Option

MFA isn't any ordinary superhero power; it's practical and user-friendly. The basic built-in  Microsoft 365 MFA option is quite straightforward to use. Once enabled, it asks for additional proof of identity during sign-in – usually something only you know or can access.

For instance, imagine you're trying to log into your account from an unfamiliar location - maybe even Krypton if we stick with our superhero theme. With this system on guard duty, simply knowing the password won't cut it. You'll also need that second piece of identification info, which could be anything from a text message code sent to your phone or answering some security questions.


Microsoft Entra Multifactor Authentication

Moving up on our list of superpowers brings us to the next level of capabilities with Entra MFA. It adds risk-based Conditional Access to your existing features that adapt to users' patterns and minimizes multifactor authentication prompts. Meaning more security, less inconvenience.

Entra also adds a host of other security tools like Identity and Access Management, identity privilege, single sign-on, and more!


Key Takeaway: 

Think of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as your reliable ally in the fight against cyber threats. It amps up login security by requesting multiple identity proofs before granting access. Microsoft 365's basic MFA and Entra's beefier version offer practical defense with an added kick - like answering security questions or receiving text message codes, keeping unwelcome logins at bay.


Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Microsoft Intune

The world is becoming more mobile, but with this mobility comes risks. Enter Mobile Device Management (MDM), a key player in mitigating these risks by controlling access to company data on mobile devices.


The Role of MDM in Data Access Control

In the realm of IT security, think of MDM as your trusty guard dog. It monitors all mobile devices accessing your company's network and ensures they're following rules before granting them entry.

For instance, if someone tries to connect using an outdated operating system riddled with known vulnerabilities, our loyal 'guard dog' wouldn't let them through. That's because outdated systems are playgrounds for cybercriminals.

To add another layer to this protection scheme, consider  Microsoft Intune, which takes things up several notches from basic MDM solutions.


The Benefits of Microsoft Intune

You might be wondering, exactly what does Microsoft Intune bring to the table? If MDM is equivalent to a guard dog, Intune is like hiring a secret agent. Queue Johnny Rivers - Secret Agent Man.

Intune provides enhanced control over corporate data across multiple platforms. It can enforce device compliance policies and manage apps – both their installation and updates – ensuring no sneaky malware gets through under disguise.

  • Do you have employees who need certain software installed or updated regularly for their workstations or fieldwork gadgets? No problem. Intune has you covered.
  • What about keeping sensitive data safe when employees leave the company? Again, Intune steps in to save the day. It can remotely wipe business data from a device without touching personal stuff - a kind of 'selective amnesia' if you will

Key Takeaway: 

Imagine Mobile Device Management (MDM) as your business data's personal bodyguard, only letting the right mobile devices in. But with Microsoft Intune, you're getting more than a guard - it's like having an elite secret agent. Intune ramps up control over company data on various platforms and handles app installations plus updates to ward off any stealthy malware attacks.


Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) in Microsoft 365

The digital landscape can sometimes feel like a Wild West, with cyber outlaws on the prowl. But here's some good news: Microsoft 365 comes strapped with a mighty sheriff known as Advanced Threat Protection (ATP). This security feature helps to prevent ransomware and other malicious links or attachments from reaching users' inboxes.


The Mechanism of ATP

When someone sends you an email, ATP first scrutinizes all URLs and attachments within that email. If anything suspicious pops up—like a link leading to sketchy sites—it quickly swoops into action.

This  Safe Links feature, part of the broader spectrum of ATP services, rewrites these dodgy URLs while preserving their original look for users but keeping them secure by checking them every time they are clicked on - think Sherlock Holmes meets Houdini.


Fighting off Ransomware with ATP

Over recent years, ransomware attacks have risen alarmingly. Thankfully, our trusty guard is well-equipped for such threats, too.

If an incoming message contains ransomware or any malware disguised as innocuous-looking attachments - say a Word document or PDF file - the Safe Attachments tool in  ATP leaps into action. It quarantines the suspicious file, analyzing it in a secure 'detonation chamber' before deciding whether to let it pass through or not.


The Role of Encrypted Email and Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

When it comes to securing your business communications, encrypted email is like the trusty guard dog that keeps your messages safe from prying eyes. Imagine if every time you sent a letter, it was placed in an unbreakable lockbox only the recipient had the key to - that's essentially what encrypted email does for your digital communications.

Encryption also assures that our messages and files remain unchanged as they travel through Microsoft 365. It gives us confidence that when we send a message or file through Microsoft 365, nobody can tamper with it en route.

Therefore, Microsoft 365's built-in encryption acts as our personal security detail – vigilant and reliable. The beauty of this is that it's easy to use - no extra programs or complex setup processes are needed. There's no need for any extra software or complicated setup procedures.


Data Loss Prevention (DLP) - A Safety Net for Your Sensitive Information

Moving on to another star player in our security lineup: Data Loss Prevention (DLP). DLP is like an eagle-eyed lifeguard who ensures sensitive data doesn't slip away unnoticed into dangerous waters.

Dangerous waters could mean unauthorized users within or outside your organization trying to access restricted files—sounds scary, right? But don't worry. That's where  Microsoft 365's DLP policies come in. These rules help you identify, monitor, and automatically protect sensitive information across Microsoft 365.

Think about it like this - an employee mistakenly attempts to send a document with credit card details to someone outside the company. Like a watchful lifeguard, the DLP policy jumps into action, blocking that transmission and sounding an alert.


Key Takeaway: 

Encrypted email in Microsoft 365 keeps your digital communications safe and ensuring their integrity. But there's more. Data Loss Prevention (DLP) acts as an eagle-eyed lifeguard, preventing sensitive data from slipping into unauthorized hands. It's all about having peace of mind and knowing that your business information is under vigilant protection.




Security in the digital world isn't a luxury. It's an absolute necessity. The top 6 security features in Microsoft 365 give your business just that.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of login protection. Both basic and Azure MFA options cater to diverse business needs.

Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Microsoft Intune let you control access to company data on mobile devices with finesse. You decide who gets what!

The Advanced Threat Protection feature guards against ransomware and malicious links reaching the user's inbox – think cyber bodyguard!

Encrypted email and Data Loss Prevention act as virtual walls preventing sensitive information leaks - safety first!

Your takeaway? Microsoft 365 goes to great lengths to ensure the protection of your valuable data. It's time for peace of mind!



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