
Why You Need to Implement Cyber Security Training Today

Written by PTG Team | March 18, 2022 7:01:01 PM Z


We all want to believe that we are smart and agile enough to tell which emails are legit and which emails are obviously scams. Unfortunately, the data shows otherwise. From Verizon's 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) we have learned that 85% of all breaches were due to human error. If you want a quick way to see if you'd be duped by modern phishing attempts, check out this quick test we put together for you.

The solution to mitigating this huge margin for error is to regularly train your employees. While this sounds like a monumental task, there are options that make this process surprisingly streamlined and approachable.

It’s our goal to take the next few minutes to explain the importance of keeping on top of your digital defenses. And to guide our way, we will be answering the three main questions we receive from our clients about cyber security training: 

What’s the deal with Cyber Security, anyway?  

To put it bluntly, cyber security should be your new top priority. According to the Allianz Risk Barometer, the threat of cyber-attacks, data breaches, and major IT outages have now topped business interruption due to supply chain issues and natural disasters for the number one concern for companies globally. 



And no matter how strong your organization’s IT structure is, keeping the problem and planned defense behind a curtain keeps your team from understanding the problem. According to research, an astounding 25% of employees admitted to clicking a phishing email, with men twice as likely as women (34%/17%)  to fall for the bit.  

It’s not just the oblivious clicking on links they are uncertain of, either. From the same research, 43% of people have made mistakes at work that compromised cyber security, and another 43% say they are “very” or “pretty” certain they have made a mistake at work with security repercussions – either for themselves or their company. 



These statistics shouldn’t scare you, but enlighten you to the facts and what can truly be done. Yes, 85% of cyber-attacks are caused by human error, but when 99.9% of attacks can be stalled by installing multifactor authentication as a part of your regular cyber security training, there is plenty to be optimistic about.  

Creating a forward-thinking and robust cyber security training program is critical to the future success of your organization.


Who should get Cyber Security training? 

Assuming you’re suitably convinced you need to implement cyber security training, at least in theory, you are likely asking who on your team should be taking time out of their day to learn about cyber security topics and plans? 


The simple answer is ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE!  



That goes for every business in every industry – if you’re using the internet to connect for your business, your team needs to be trained. The education and research sector, for instance, saw a 75% increase in cyber attacks in 2021 due in large part to the overwhelming surge of e-learning options schools chose, with healthcare seeing a 71% increase on top of what are already frequent attacks. 

Want to learn more ways your company can protect itself? Click here!

Your entire team requires observation and training to ensure each and every one of them is fully equipped to take proactive measures that keep your business safe.  

This makes what was once considered a full-time job for IT a shared job for your entire team, no matter what they do or why they connect. Cyber Security is now an organizational problem, not just a technical one. Beyond your team’s day-to-day, they need to be considering their and the team’s security. It may seem like a lot, but each person has a duty to stay vigilant and informed on topics like this – they have to understand the consequences and the ease with which they can help keep everyone safe. 


How, and who does advanced Cyber Security training help? 

A benchmark study by CISCO found that 40% of small businesses facing a severe cyberattack experienced at least eight hours of downtime, multiplied by every employee. This downtime accounts for a major portion of the overall cost of a security breach, meaning the longer your team waits to prevent interruption, the more susceptible you are to losing lots and lots and lots of time and money. 

Developing a specific Cyber Security training program for your business means lowering your risk of downtime, equating to an increase in productivity potential. It also protects your brand from any undue negative press while simultaneously developing good habits along your workflow.  



Did we mention this fortification against ransomware, malware, spyware, and phishing attempts also acts as a dual way to ensure your team, through its IT policy, is adhering to all necessary elements of legislative compliance? We think that’s a nice little bonus, too. 

So what kind of training, for people of all skill sets, should exist at your organization? 

Employees that struggle with IT material 

Some people struggle with IT information. That generally doesn’t mean much, besides when it comes to Cyber Security. Speak with each and every team member and complement their knowledge with whatever training they may require – you may catch any holes in your general training as well! 

Employees with Admin access 

Admin access should always be reserved for those who absolutely need it, no matter how large or small your organization. That said, many systems require at least management, if not more employees, to have a good deal of freedom in your system. Keep all of those people well trained to avoid accidental clicks or wide-open digital doors. 

Employees that handle external digital communications 

Inter-office communications have taken all kinds of forms, from shared virtual whiteboards to fancy messaging platforms and well beyond. Whatever your infrastructure, anyone who handles external communications could potentially leave a door wide open for the nefarious to creep in – something you’ll definitely want to avoid. 

Employees that connect away from the office 

For whatever reason – be it remote work, a work trip, or any other wild number of possibilities in 2022 – many of your employees likely tap into your network remotely. These scenarios all open an entirely new array of options to get into your system, causing damage and stealing confidential data from you and your customers. 



Cyber Security training is a must-have for the spring – and like every great design house, you should tailor your training exactly to fit your team and their needs.  

Thanks to myriad recent newsworthy events, Cyber Security is the top worry of businesses around the world navigating in uncertain times. This uncertainty must equate to a team that is highly trained on specific, individual ways they can keep everyone protected – no matter how extensive the individual training might be.  

For more information on security training and other vital ways your business can protect itself from cyber criminals, give us a call at (864) 552-1291 and we'll help you evaluate capabilities and options. Also, sign up for PTG Tech Talk and consider following us on LinkedInFacebook, and Twitter!