
Check Out These New Meetings and Call Features in Microsoft Teams!

Written by Brendan B | June 5, 2019 6:24:04 PM Z

We love providing training to offices on how to use Microsoft Teams because Microsoft keeps adding new features that make Teams better than any other communication hub available.

Here are some of the newest Teams features to try out.

Find Nearby Teams-available Rooms

Sometimes, locating an available conference room can be a scramble. Use proximity-based meeting join to locate Teams-enabled rooms quickly.

Using the Teams app on your phone or PC you can locate an available room and once you join the front of the room display and console will show your meeting invitation.

Better still, according to Microsoft "Microsoft Teams will automatically join the meeting in content-only mode from your desktop, allowing the room to provide audio and video into the meeting without echo and feedback generated by the other devices in the room. "

Learn more about Teams meetings upgrades.

Use These Handy Call Features In Teams

Wish someone could know your status when they are trying to reach you? With Teams Busy on Busy feature, callers will be able to see a user's status when contacting them.

If someone tries to call you and you are already on a call or in a meeting, they will hear a busy signal.

This feature is automatic in Teams.

If you don't know where you'll be when a meeting starts, have the meeting call you! Meetings can now be joined through a “Call me” option on the pre-join screen or once the meeting has started. Make sure you have provided a number where you can receive a call for this function to work.

Also, users that have VOIP enabled will now see a seperate Calls App in their App bar. Users can make calls directly using the app.


Manage Teams From Your Phone

While we're on the subject of Teams and phone apps, did you know you can manage a team (adding or removing members) directly from the app on your phone?

You can also use the app to invite guests outside of your organization to join using their email.

Do you need help rolling out Teams to your entire org? Reach out to our Teams trainers today.