Our Top Blog Posts of 2015

man-coffee-cup-penIt wouldn’t be December without a ton of lists counting down the Top ___ Of the Year! We’d hate to be left out of all the fun – so in the spirit of the season, we’re counting down our Top 5 Blog Posts of the Year! To be clear, these are our top viewed posts in 2015 (by page view). Not all of these posts were written in 2015, but they continue to be our most popular blogs.

An interesting note before we jump in: A good chunk of our top posts (even outside the top 5) focus on how to do something in Office 365. Helping clients improve productivity and take full advantage of technology are key to our business – we’re thrilled to see our blog readers interested in the same goals (and interested enough to spend an average of 5+ minutes reading these posts!).

5. How to turn off OWA sound notifications in Office 365

This one is pretty straight forward. Sound notifications can be a huge distraction (not to mention annoying). Here’s how to turn Outlook sound notifications off. Read more...

4. Powerpoint vs. Sway: What’s the difference?

Sway is Microsoft’s new presentation building app, released earlier this year, which when you first hear it, may inspire a little confusion. Microsoft already has a presentation builder – a little gem known as Powerpoint. This post breaks down the fundamental differences and when to use each program. Read more...

3. How to turn names into email addresses in Excel

Not too many people enjoy manually entering and editing data. Thankfully, Excel has a lot of ways to make it easier. Unfortunately, if you don’t use Excel all the time for your job, you may not know about them. This blog shows you how to combine columns in Excel to turn names into email addresses – the same method can be used to combine columns with other kinds of data, too! Read more...

2. Blocking the Cryptolocker Virus in Office 365

It’s no surprise that this is one of our top posts of all time (originally written in 2013!). Ransomware is scary stuff – this post shows you how to block executable files. Attachments containing .EXE files is a very popular way of spreading ransomware, so following this method can reduce your chances of falling victim of ransomware. We use this in our own company and for our clients. Read more...

1. Office 2016 vs Office 365: What’s the difference?

Office 2016 was released in September to much fanfare (you know, until Windows 10 was released and stole its thunder). But with Office 365 already on the market, it’s key you know which you need before purchase. This post breaks down the differences between the two and what your options are for purchase. Read more...

Thank you for reading our blog posts. We know you’re busy, so we thank you for your attention and hope that our blogs make your job a little easier (and safer!).

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