
Windows 7 vs Windows 10: What’s the difference?

Written by Brendan B | February 6, 2019 1:31:00 PM Z

If you're a Windows 7 user, you may have already heard that mainstream support for Windows 7 has ended and security updates will stop in 2020. This means the time to upgrade to Windows 10 is now. 

For the most part, Windows 7 was a reliable operating system. However, you will really enjoy the user-friendly components and increased security that Windows 10 provides. 
Here's what you get when you make the move to Windows 10 (please note: this focuses specifically on Microsoft 365 Business and Enterprise plans):

Windows 10 is the Modern Desktop

Windows 10 Desired programs and features

Windows 10 gives you the flexibility, portability, security, and scaleability you need to work better. 

1. You have access to the tools and apps you use daily where and when you need them. 

2. You can store your files in the cloud to share and collaborate with anyone at anytime. 

3. You'll stay up-to-date and in sync with the latest applications, security updates, and office tools using a keyboard, pen, or touch screen.  

Windows 10 Start Menu

If you're familiar with the clean interface of the Windows 7 start menu, Windows 10 start menu won't look much different, however, it does have some great new features.

For example, if you like live tiles, they are available and customizable on the right side of the menu - while the left side of the menu keeps all of your regularly used apps. The power button now lives in the far left corner. You also have the ability to run the Windows 10 start menu in full screen mode. 

Windows 10 Accessibility

Windows 10 offers modern accessibility features for every type of user. You can access your device without a screen, resize icons, adjust text size and color, customize the mouse cursor, boost contrast and colors, or save time with plenty of helpful shortcuts. 

Find more information on Windows 10 Accessibility features here

Windows 10 Improved Search Features

Where Windows 7 search was limited to folders and files, Windows 10 gives you more search options. 

The Windows 10 search bar not only finds your apps, files, and folders, it can also connect you to the Windows Store and allows you to seach the web right from your desktop.

When you want to look for something, hit the Windows key, start typing, and results are immediately displayed in a browser window. 

You also have the option of using Microsoft's powerful virtual assistant Cortana to do the searching for you. With Windows 10, Cortana has finally become a part of the desktop OS. 

A few things Cortana can do for you: 

1. Show you upcoming appointments on your calendar, or schedule a new one for you. 

2. Take notes for you. 

3. Create new tasks and set reminders. 

4. Play your favorite songs. 

5. Tell you the weather or search the web. 

Now that Cortana is also available for iOS and Android, it's easy to use Cortana across all of your devices. 

Windows 10 Edge Browser

Windows 7 used Internet Explorer as its pre-installed browser. Windows 10 brings a new browser option into the mix with the release of Edge.

While many people still prefer to use Chrome, Edge is currently being rebuilt on the same open-source web rendering engine that runs Google’s Chrome browser. 

This should open Edge (with its modern image sharing and security features) up to a much broader audience very soon. 

Windows 10 Harnesses the Power of OneDrive and Teams

OneDrive for Business is a central cloud hub for all your files. Upload, organize, and easily share documents with others both inside and outside of your organization. Documents are private by default, but sharing is easy when you want to grant access. 

In Windows 10, files can be saved directly to OneDrive for Business. This allows you to have access to your work files from any device. As a bonus OneDrive also works seamlessly with Microsoft Teams - the best office communication platform available - to make work visible, integrated, and accessible to everyone in your organization.

If you already have OneDrive and Teams with your subscription, but aren't sure how to use them, we have "Ready, Set, Go" trainings available to you. 

Windows 10 Enhanced Security

Windows 10 sees security as a holistic stack that includes device protection, threat resistance, identity protection, information protection, and breach detection. 

Windows 10 runs automatically with an antivirus program called Windows Defender. It automatically scans programs you open, downloads new updates, and provides an interface you can use for in-depth scans. 

If you're running Windows Enterprise E5 or a Microsoft 365 E5 subscription, you also have access to a Threat Analytics dashboard through Windows ATP that lists recent attacks and risks.

There are several enhanced security features that you can configure or add to Windows 10 for a low monthly fee, contact us to complete a free data security assessment and get recommendations on what advanced Windows 10 security features are right for you. 

How to Make the Switch to Windows 10

If you purchase any new device you will have Windows 10 pre-installed. 

For users currently running an older version of Windows, the time to switch to this modern desktop is now. We're happy to answer your questions related to the different subscription options and best ways to make the switch. Contact our customer success manager below for more information.  


As with any Microsoft product, pricing can vary depending on your needs. We're happy to review your current operating system and advise you on the best Office 365 subscription to get you up and running on Windows 10. You'll soon be able to start enjoying all of the features, apps and enhanced security of Windows 10 that will help you to work better. 

Ready to make the move to Windows 10? Interested to learn other ways we can support your growing business?